Re: Porting a new Golang app: go mod replace relative path

From: Zach Leslie <>
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2024 18:08:24 UTC
I have made some updates to the PR.  Please advise if I should open a new
PR to address the feedback.

El mar, 23 de jul de 2024, 17:36, Zach Leslie <> escribió:

> I'm on mobile, but #279042 was filed.
> El mar, 23 de jul de 2024, 17:35, Zach Leslie <>
> escribió:
>> Excellent thank you.  There has been a new version and I'd like to update
>> soon.  I'll pr and send an email next time.  Btw, there is a bug for this
>> new port.
>> El mar, 23 de jul de 2024, 05:34, Matthias Fechner <>
>> escribió:
>>> Am 24.04.2024 um 18:26 schrieb Zach Leslie:
>>> >> maybe by an additional manually added distfile entry to place it in
>>> the
>>> >> expected directly (maybe in a prefetch rule or by just manually
>>> extending
>>> >> the DIST_FILES).
>>> > Thank you for the pointers.  I was able to get something working and
>>> > have submitted the following pull request for this new port.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> I commited it, thanks for your contribution.
>>> I you add github pull requests, make sure you always write to an email
>>> list, as most of the committers work with the official bug tracker, but
>>> they maybe do not monitor github.
>>> Gruß
>>> Matthias
>>> --
>>> "Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to
>>> build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to
>>> produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning." --
>>> Rich Cook