Re: dns/bind916 builds rust unexpectedly

From: Robert Clausecker <>
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2023 22:06:26 UTC
Hi Dan,

Am Mon, Sep 25, 2023 at 02:58:23PM -0700 schrieb Dan Mahoney:
> I really, really wish the ports tree supported the option of:
> "I am building package X, but it requires dependency A, B, and C,
> which I will build as completely standard, so pretty friggin please,
> just pkg install them."

I think you can do "make install-missing-packages" for that.

> "Just run poudriere" is a really crappy option when you just have a
> single box on an AWS t2-tiny install.

Funnily enough, recent Poudriere also has an option to just download
all packages except the ones you want to build from online.  Check
poudriere-bulk(8) for the new -b option.  Might be in poudriere-devel

> -Dan

Robert Clausecker

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