Re: print/miktex problems on FreeBSD 13.2

From: Moin Rahman <>
Date: Sat, 23 Sep 2023 10:37:01 UTC

> On Sep 23, 2023, at 12:29 PM, Gerard E. Seibert <> wrote:
> I currently use MiKTeX with Texstudio on my Windows machine. I would
> also like to use it on my FreeBSD 13.2 machine. Unfortunately, that is
> not happening.
> I reported the problems to the MiKTeX developer, who informed me
> that MiKTeX is not supported on FreeBSD and refused to help me. So, why
> is MiKTeX being released in the ports system if it doesn't work? I
> could file a bug report, but since MiKTeX doesn't have a maintainer, it
> seems rather pointless.
> --
> Gerard

Unless you submit a bug report it's impossible to debug as different people use different tools.

Add tex@ to the bug although I am not sure whether if I can be of any help as I do not use it.

And about why it is in the tree is a different question. People take over maintainership and then also release their maintainership when that tool is no longer of their interest. When a port goes back to the pool it's sometimes unmaintained and over the time it's dependencies changes which require more recent versions of that. So in short we cannot blame anyone for why it is in the tree.

Kind regards,