Re: problem with git-pull

From: Matthias Apitz <>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2023 09:25:54 UTC
I wrote yesterday:

> El día martes, septiembre 12, 2023 a las 05:42:45p. m. +0200, Christoph Moench-Tegeder escribió:
> > ## Matthias Apitz (
> > 
> > > but when I now say 'git pull .' it says only:
> > 
> > Drop the ".", because:
> > 1. the first non-option to "git pull" is the repository, so you're
> >    pulling from the current directory, which makes no sense for your
> >    case.
> > 2. git updates the whole repository, which is a good thing[tm] (yes,
> >    there are ways and means, but in gereral one wants to keep a repo
> >    consistent).
> Thanks! I'm coming from a CVS and SVN background where updating only
> sub-trees is possible (and with good intention also normal).
> Without the "." it updated the full tree and I built successful the one
> package in question with poudriere.

This was wrong. It didn't compiled anything at all, because I updated
the wrong /usr/ports tree, not the one poudriere was using. When I realized
my fault, I updated with 'git pull' the correct tree and restarted
poudriere to only compile one port (security/wpa_supplicant).
The result was, that poudriere detected the (massive) changes, deleted
and recompiled around 10 ports and at the end successfully
security/wpa_supplicant. I don't want to imagine a more massive
recompilation due to changes in infrastructure ports.

In short: Is there no way with git to pull only one special port
for a recompilation?


Matthias Apitz, ✉, +49-176-38902045
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