Re: Baikal Installation Issue

From: Doug Hardie <>
Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2023 08:59:57 UTC
> On Sep 5, 2023, at 01:41, Ronald Klop <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Your question is very specific about 1 application. There is always the chance that somebody on this mailinglist knows about it but if you do not get an answer you might try:
> * the maintainer of the port (see for its email address)
> * the developers of the application itself:
> From you mail the biggest hint of a problem is a missing configuration file.
> "File "/usr/local/www/baikal/config/baikal.yaml" does not exist."
> Apparently (see the application would create that on first startup.
> You can try the example file from the project:
> BTW: did you read the pkg-message which should have been displayed on install of the package?
> pkg-message: <>
> For install:
> If this is a new installation, please follow the instructions there:
> Baikal has been installed in /usr/local/www/baikal
> If you are upgrading from a previous version of Baikal, please follow the instructions here:

I have been following those instructions.  This is a new install.  The first step is to run the installation wizard which is where it fails.  Ktrace of the process shows the first access of /usr/local/www/baikal/config/baikal.yaml is an attempt to status the file where it fails.  The next reference to anything in the config directory is the error message being returned.

-- Doug