Re: go modules2tuple confusion - phab

From: Christopher Beppler <>
Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2022 23:02:36 UTC
Am 16.11.22 um 23:56 schrieb Dave Cottlehuber:
> [...]
> I tried bumping go.{mod,sum} to latest commits, without success.
> sysutils/loki has the same module as dependency, but seems to have no trouble
> fetching, albeit slightly different patch and paths resulting.
 > [...]

go4org is a bit special. I had the same issue in the loki port as you 
noticed already. I manually adjusted the line in GH_TUPLE to

		go4org:go4:d4a079459e60:go4org_go4/vendor/ \

928513b29760 is actually from but somehow in 
go.mod referenced as go4org/go4... (maybe gomod-vendor ignores GitHub's 
redirects but go get doesn't?).

Maybe that helps.
