Re: p5-dbd-pg

From: Dan Mahoney <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2022 13:01:27 UTC

> On Jan 20, 2022, at 3:54 AM, Kurt Jaeger <> wrote:
> Hello,
> [postgres flavors]
>> This feels like the ideal kind of port that could be flavored so
>> it works with any installed postgres version.  I'm willing to submit
>> patches, how hard would it be?
> If it needs to interoperate with php flavors (which it probably
> does), it's probably a high level of complexity. But frankly,
> that's only my guess, and I have not that much experience with flavors.

I don't think the perl database module needs to interoperate with the php flavors.  The problem is that p5-dbd-pg forced the upgrade to postgresql13-client.  There are no php modules on this box.

>> Is there a section in the porter's handbook that covers this?
> Yes:

Seems straightforward enough, like the resulting packages would be p5-dbd-pg-postgres13 or something?
