Re: New Port: Security/liblurch & Security/Pidgin-lurch

From: Felix Palmen <>
Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2022 08:20:03 UTC
* Michael A. Oshin <> [20220827 13:20]:
> See the makefile at

First of all, this port had *lots* of perfectly avoidable problems,
like, nonsensical pkg-plist, many formatting/styling issues, missing
dependencies, unnecessary custom rules, ...

I strongly recommend you use:

* portlint and/or portclippy to statically check your port for following
  style and best practices.
* poudriere testport to test the build of the port, so you find issues
  like e.g. missing dependencies.

Without using these tools, you will have a hard time to come up with a
port that's really correct and reliable.


But then, I had a deeper look. There's actually a "problem" that most
likely no beginner would ever be able to solve. This software has two
dependencies that are linked upstream as git submodules and optionally
built and linked statically. For ports, we can't use such a mechanism
(never bundle libraries if there is another way).

So, it's necessary to create two other new ports first.

Just to give you an idea how it all could be fixed, have a look at the
last three commits here:

The result will build and install correctly. I didn't test whether it
actually works.

 Felix Palmen <>     {private}
 -- ports committer (mentee) --            {web}
 {pgp public key}
 {pgp fingerprint} 6936 13D5 5BBF 4837 B212  3ACC 54AD E006 9879 F231