Re: A tool to generate a plist for all OPTIONS combination

From: Gleb Popov <>
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2022 08:10:40 UTC
On Mon, Nov 1, 2021 at 11:18 PM Gleb Popov <> wrote:

> Hello fellow porters!
> I wrote an utility called Panopticum [1] that uses Poudriere to build a
> given port with every possible OPTIONS setting, generate a packing list
> after each build and then combine multiple plists into a single one with
> necessary OPTIONS_SUB prepended.
> It turned out to be far from a simple task due to possible cases like
> %%OPT1%%%%NOOPT2%%%%OPT3_OR_OPT4%%, but after cracking my head for a while
> it seems to work correctly now.
> The utility is already in the Ports tree under ports-mgmt/hs-panopticum
> directory. If you're interested, go ahead and try it out. I'll be happy if
> anyone finds it to be useful.
> [1]

Just a heads-up, I have updated ports-mgmt/hs-panopticum port to the newest
version. This version now correctly handles even complex combinations of
SINGLE, RADIO and MULTI option groups, as well as OPT_IMPLIES, OPT_PREVENTS

I Hope this will be useful.