Re: Synth status and failure to install some packages
- In reply to: Jonathan Chen : "Re: Synth status and failure to install some packages"
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Date: Mon, 31 May 2021 08:50:20 UTC
> On Sun, 30 May 2021 at 17:46, Thomas Mueller <> wrote: > > What is the current status of ports-mgmt/synth? > > It seems deprecated by what I see on this emailing list, but I see occasional updates when I update ports tree. > It's still my favourite ports-builder.. I'll keep using it until it > stops working. > Jonathan Chen <> Synth is much faster than portmaster or portupgrade, but one serious downside is failure to install some packages that are built. I thought I didn't have devel/gperf, then later it occurred to me that synth might have hidden it in the repository without installing it. Earlier, I thought I didn't have ninja installed but later found it hidden in synth's repository. Is there any way to make synth install build dependencies? Gentoo Portage has "--with-bdeps=y". I don't know how poudriere behaves in this regard. I believe STefan Esser has a new, revamped portmaster in the works, but have no idea of progress so far. Tom