Re: Time ordered list of package builds

From: Mark Millard via freebsd-ports <>
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 2021 06:06:46 UTC

On 2021-Jun-4, at 22:11, Kevin Oberman <rkoberman at> wrote:

> . . .
> Sorry. I now see that I was unclear, but you seem to have figured it out. I believe that I am aware of all of the things you mention but I can't find a way to track back beyond the current build, the only one marked as "parallel_build", and the prior build which is tagged "Latest build" in the header and highlighted in yellow. If I want to look at the second latest, I have no idea how I can find it.
> If I look at the list for  beey16 at, I get a list of builds that include no clue as to ordering. No start time or any way to look up a particular build unless I have recorded the hash while the build was in progress.

I did not realize that always
shows just the most recently completed build for the Ports Jail

Sorry for the noise.

Time frames can painfully be found by clicking through to each build's
detailed page and looking at a log file from some port that generated
one: the 2nd line of the log file is a "build started at" line.

But one probably needs to have a strong reason in order to put such an
effort in, especially as the list of builds grows.

Something like
appears to have dates, but one can find that the individual files have
much older dates than shown at the stable-13/* level. Also, at the
stable-13/* sort of level, one cannot tell which platforms have examples
available. That is 1 or 2 more levels down, depending on the platform.
Ultimately: another now-more-difficult-mess to deal with.

Mark Millard
marklmi at
( went
away in early 2018-Mar)