[Bug 268608] www/grafana9: 9.3.1 fails to build
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Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2022 08:13:47 UTC
https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=268608 --- Comment #2 from Simeon Simeonov <sgs@pichove.org> --- Hi and thank you for your response! I don't have a folder work/grafana-9.3.1/vendor/github.com/cortexproject at all: [root@SagaBOX /usr/ports/www/grafana9/work/grafana-9.3.1/vendor/github.com]# ls | sort acomagu alecthomas andybalholm apache armon asaskevich aws axiomhq Azure AzureAD beevik benbjohnson beorn7 bits-and-blooms blevesearch blugelabs bmatcuk bradfitz bufbuild buildkite BurntSushi caio cenkalti centrifugal cespare cheekybits chromedp cockroachdb coreos cpuguy83 crewjam davecgh deepmap denisenkom dennwc dgryski dlmiddlecote docker drone drone-runners edsrzf elazarl emicklei emirpasic fatih FZambia gchaincl getkin getsentry ghodss go-git go-kit go-logfmt go-logr go-openapi go-ozzo go-redis go-sourcemap go-sql-driver go-stack gobwas gofrs gogo golang golang-jwt golang-migrate golang-sql gomodule google googleapis gorilla gosimple grafana grpc-ecosystem hashicorp igm imdario influxdata invopop jbenet jessevdk jmespath jmoiron jonboulle josharian jpillora json-iterator jung-kurt kevinburke klauspost kr kylelemons labstack lib linkedin m3db magefile mailru Masterminds matryer mattermost mattetti mattn matttproud Microsoft miekg mitchellh mna modern-go mpvl mschoch mwitkow oklog olekukonko opentracing parca-dev patrickmn pierrec pkg pmezard prometheus protocolbuffers ProtonMail rivo RoaringBitmap robfig rs russellhaering sean- segmentio sergi shurcooL stretchr teris-io ua-parser uber urfave valyala vectordotdev VividCortex wk8 xanzy xlab xorcare yalue yudai -- You are receiving this mail because: You are the assignee for the bug.