Will there be a way to avoid being too near when the likes of base_latest/ gets a new publication?

From: Mark Millard <marklmi_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2024 18:02:00 UTC
I'm  thinking of things like checking out updated kernel(s) before doing
a more general update that includes more --vs. deciding to stick with an
existing known-good context for a while instead. Getting that done between
base_latest/ updates would be nicer than tracking if base_latest/ updated
during the activity and, so end up needing to start over.

(I'm still using the "world normally not newer than kernel" rule and the

Technically, I'm not aware of a description of the kernel and world
publication principles used by PkgBase. Those could interact with how to
update appropriately.

I will note that one thing I'm considering is testing PkgBase kernels
before doing my own related kernel (and world) updates and builds.
Basically checking: Would going forward for my personal builds likely be
stepping into a mess or not? If a mess might be involved, then I'd judge
if it is one I want to stay out of or not.

(It is another example where being able to up front identify the source
commit that the PkgBase kernel materials are based on would be relevant.)

Mark Millard
marklmi at yahoo.com