[Bug 284307] ports-mgmt/pkg: missing required shared library

From: <bugzilla-noreply_at_freebsd.org>
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2025 16:14:50 UTC

--- Comment #3 from Bennett Wetters <freebsd-bugzilla@bendo.org> ---
I just had my poudriere build 2.0.3 for me but it doesn't help (it seems) :/

$ pkg info pkg

$ sudo pkg install chromium
All repositories are up to date.
Checking integrity... done (1 conflicting)
  - librsvg2-2.40.21_4 [FreeBSD] conflicts with librsvg2-rust-2.58.5_3
[installed] on /usr/local/bin/rsvg-convert
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 2 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
        chromium: 131.0.6778.204_2 [FreeBSD]

Installed packages to be REMOVED:
        emacs: 29.4_2,3

Number of packages to be removed: 1
Number of packages to be installed: 1

The process will require 137 MiB more space.

Proceed with this action? [Y/n]:

Still tries to install librsvg2 instead of using the librsvg2-rust I already
have and remove emacs.

What do you mean by rebuilding librsvg2? As far as I know I don't have it
installed and don't need it since librsvg2-rust provides the same shared

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