maintainer-feedback requested: [Bug 272592] ports-mgmt/pkg: autoremove hangs after removal of kdenlive

From: <>
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 09:33:46 UTC
Bugzilla Automation <> has asked freebsd-pkg (Nobody)
<> for maintainer-feedback:
Bug 272592: ports-mgmt/pkg: autoremove hangs after removal of kdenlive

--- Description ---

when i try to cleanup the unused deps from kdenlive then pkg autoremove hangs.

FreeBSD 14-CURRENT (main-n264135) 64-Bit

pkg version: 1.20.4

Test if an the package can trigger it as well here it works as intended

Alexander88207@Home:~ $ doas pkg --debug autoremove
DBG(1)[2328]> pkg initialized
DBG(1)[2328]> want to get an advisory lock on a database
Checking integrity...DBG(1)[2328]> check integrity for 0 items added
 done (0 conflicting)
Nothing to do.
DBG(1)[2328]> release an advisory lock on a database

Alexander88207@Home:~ $ doas pkg install simplescreenrecorder
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
FreeBSD repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
The following 4 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
	jackit: 1.9.22_1
	py39-dbus: 1.3.2
	pydbus-common: 1.3.2

Number of packages to be installed: 4

The process will require 6 MiB more space.
2 MiB to be downloaded.

Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y
[1/4] Fetching jackit-1.9.22_1.pkg: 100%  450 KiB 461.3kB/s    00:01	
[2/4] Fetching simplescreenrecorder- 100%    1 MiB   1.3MB/s   
[3/4] Fetching pydbus-common-1.3.2.pkg: 100%   31 KiB  31.3kB/s    00:01    
[4/4] Fetching py39-dbus-1.3.2.pkg: 100%   98 KiB 100.1kB/s    00:01	
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
[1/4] Installing pydbus-common-1.3.2...
[1/4] Extracting pydbus-common-1.3.2: 100%
[2/4] Installing py39-dbus-1.3.2...
[2/4] Extracting py39-dbus-1.3.2: 100%
[3/4] Installing jackit-1.9.22_1...
[3/4] Extracting jackit-1.9.22_1: 100%
[4/4] Installing simplescreenrecorder-
[4/4] Extracting simplescreenrecorder- 100%
==> Running trigger: gtk-update-icon-cache.ucl
Generating GTK icon cache for /usr/local/share/icons/hicolor
==> Running trigger: desktop-file-utils.ucl

Alexander88207@Home:~ $ doas pkg remove simplescreenrecorder
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
Deinstallation has been requested for the following 1 packages (of 0 packages
in the universe):

Installed packages to be REMOVED:

Number of packages to be removed: 1

The operation will free 4 MiB.

Proceed with deinstalling packages? [y/N]: y
[1/1] Deinstalling simplescreenrecorder-
[1/1] Deleting files for simplescreenrecorder- 100%
==> Running trigger: gtk-update-icon-cache.ucl
Generating GTK icon cache for /usr/local/share/icons/hicolor
==> Running trigger: desktop-file-utils.ucl
Building cache database of MIME types
Alexander88207@Home:~ $ doas pkg --debug autoremove
DBG(1)[2371]> pkg initialized
DBG(1)[2371]> want to get an advisory lock on a database
Checking integrity...DBG(1)[2371]> check integrity for 0 items added
 done (0 conflicting)
Deinstallation has been requested for the following 3 packages:

Installed packages to be REMOVED:
	jackit: 1.9.22_1
	py39-dbus: 1.3.2
	pydbus-common: 1.3.2

Number of packages to be removed: 3

The operation will free 2 MiB.

Proceed with deinstalling packages? [y/N]: y

Now the issue with kdenlive:

Alexander88207@Home:~ $ doas pkg remove kdenlive
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
Deinstallation has been requested for the following 1 packages (of 0 packages
in the universe):

Installed packages to be REMOVED:
	kdenlive: 23.04.3

Number of packages to be removed: 1

The operation will free 68 MiB.

Proceed with deinstalling packages? [y/N]: y
[1/1] Deinstalling kdenlive-23.04.3...
[1/1] Deleting files for kdenlive-23.04.3: 100%
==> Running trigger: shared-mime-info.ucl
Building the Shared MIME-Info database cache
==> Running trigger: gtk-update-icon-cache.ucl
Generating GTK icon cache for /usr/local/share/icons/hicolor
==> Running trigger: desktop-file-utils.ucl
Building cache database of MIME types

Alexander88207@Home:~ $ doas pkg --debug autoremove
DBG(1)[2412]> pkg initialized
DBG(1)[2412]> want to get an advisory lock on a database

Thank you in advance!