Configuration for a laptop

From: Giuseppe Piscitelli <>
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2021 02:08:39 UTC
Hi, I am new to pf and FreeBSD. This is my pf.conf:

ext_if = "{ re0, wlan0 }"
wg_if = ""
lan = ""
avahi_services = "{ mdns, mdnsresponder }"
pass quick on lo0 all
block in all
pass out all keep state
pass in log proto { tcp, udp } from $lan port $avahi_services
pass in log proto { tcp, udp } from $wg_if port 51820

My goal is to exclude the loopback interface from the rules, block all 
traffic from outside to inside, allow all traffic from inside to 
outside, allow mdns service and allow wireguard on port 51820. Applied 
the rules everything seems to work. Is this correct? Any suggestions?