Re: Bouncing messages from

From: Matthias Apitz <>
Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2023 16:08:04 UTC
El día jueves, agosto 03, 2023 a las 05:15:35 +0200, Baptiste Daroussin escribió:

> No it was not sent to the whole list but only to the people whom mail server
> have bounced an incoming mail.
> It is not a configuration, this can happen in 2 cases:
> - a change in the on your email provider which start bouncing emails (hence the
>   fact we don't stop those emails)
> - but most case it is due to the antispam on your provider side, when a spam
>   managed to passthrough our (freebsd) antispam infrastructure.

All my mails end up in an INBOX located in the server of my ISP:

$ host -t MX mail is handled by 10

From there I fetch the mails with IMAPS.

I've no access to its sendmail or postfix log files. Could you provide
me the log lines of the bounced message from the server? Then I
could open a trouble ticket and someone could look into it. It happens
rarely from time to time that I get such bounced msg information and IIRC it is
only from freebsd-net@ and only since the mail infrastructure was
changed. For the first I will look more carefully in the future, to see
if it is only freebsd-net@. I'm subscribed to a "ton" of FreeBSD lists
and to lists of all stuff you can think of.



Matthias Apitz, ✉, +49-176-38902045
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