Re: why multi-hop icmp redirects to on 13.0 ?

From: Kurt Jaeger <>
Date: Sat, 04 Dec 2021 17:03:29 UTC

> > rtr1 runs frr, has full route, either with or without default route.
> If that makes no difference then something else is wrong.

I agree, but we have to find out, what is wrong...

> > > (b) At the time this happens does rtr1 have a route to z.z.z.z ?
> > >     route -4 get z.z.z.z

> > Yes.
> And that is not pointing back to the interface rtr2 is on but out
> on an interface towards inet?

Technically, some of the routes point out to the same interface,
but a different IP (like x.x.x.5), and some point out to the wan interface.

Here's the small network layout again:

inet ------ wan:rtr1:lan ------ rtr2 ------ wan:host
                     x.x.x.1                y.y.y.1

--         +49 171 3101372                  Now what ?