New career opportunities at

From: Katia Obarowski <>
Date: Mon, 24 May 2021 06:25:01 UTC
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																		We are pleased  to provide you with some of the current job openings across the globe  at, your network of careers in the field of Computer Science and Engineering.


Professor in Geoenergy Production Engineering
Montanuniversität Leoben - Leoben
Full Professor in Electrochemical Energy Conversion
Montanuniversität Leoben - Leoben

Instructor position Photo-electrochemical catalysis & sensing
University of Antwerp - Antwerpen
Postdoctoral researcher 'In vivo Cellular and Molecular imaging'
KU Leuven - Brussels
Tenure Track Lecturer Mathematics/Continuous techniques in Data Science
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Ixelles
PhD Researcher in Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence
KU Leuven - Leuven
Postdoc Position in Applied Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering
KU Leuven - Leuven
Post-doctoral assistant (18256) - Civil engineering
Ghent University - Gent
Assistant - Department of Information Technology
Ghent University - Gent
Assistant - Department of Electronics and Information Systems
Foscari University of Venice - Gent

Assistant Professor of Teaching (introduction to the Mineral Resource Industry, Surface and Underground Mine Design, and a Senior Design (Capstone) Course)
The University of British Columbia - Vancouver - Point Grey Campus
Assistant Professor - Cybersecurity
Curtin University - Vaughan 
AI Research Chair in Artificial Intelligence and Logistics
Dalhousie University - Halifax
Assistant Professor of Computer Science 
Dalhousie University - Halifax
Assistant Professor, Distributed Systems
University of Calgary - Calgary
Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty - Assistant Professor - Software Engineering
Ontario Tech University - Oshawa
Assistant Professor - Applied Mathematics
University of Toronto - Toronto 
Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream - Electrical And Computer Engineering
University of Toronto - Toronto 
Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream - Molecular Engineering
University of Toronto - Toronto 

Faculty Positions in Electronic and Computer Engineering
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - Hong Kong
Lecturer in Software Engineering
Manchester Metropolitan University - Wuhan
Assistant/Associate Professor in Computer Sciences, Electrical/Electronic
Nanchang University - Nanchang 
Computer Science Assistant/Associate Professor Positions
Wenzhou-Kean University - Wenzhou
Full/Associate/Assistant Professor in Mechanical and Energy Engineering
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) - Sichuan
Faculty positions in Electronic and Computer Engineering
Curtin University - Kowloon
Head of Department of Electrical Engineering
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) - Hung Hom
Lecturer / Associate Professor Positions in Mathematics
German University of Technology - Wenzhou
High Research Achieving Computer Science Associate/Professor Position
Wenzhou-Kean University - Wenzhou

Assistant professor / Associate professor in Experimental Quantum Photonics
University of Copenhagen - Copenhagen
Associate Professor in Thermochemical Biofuel Technology
Aarhus University  - Aalborg
Associate Professors in Mathematical Statistics at the Department of Mathematical Sciences
Aalborg University - Aalborg
Assistant professor with expertise in bioinspired robotics, biorobotics and / or neuromorphic computing
University of Southern Denmark - Odense
Assistant/associate professorships in computer science and software engineering
University of Copenhagen - Copenhagen
Professor in Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence
Aarhus University  - Aarhus
Postdoc Positions on Digital Building Twins and Tracking of Construction Resources
Aarhus University  - Aarhus
PhD positions in Electrical Engineering
University of Southern Denmark - Sonderborg

Doctoral For Machine Vision And Signal Analysis
University of Oulu - Oulu
Postdoctoral Researcher For Machine Vision And Signal Analysis
University of Oulu - Oulu
Doctoral Researchers In Mathematics Or Statistics
University of Jyvaskyla - Jyvaskyla
Associate Professors In Materials Science And Engineering
University of Turku - Turku
Postdoctoral Researcher In Integrated Circuit Design
Aalto University School - Espoo
Postdoc Positions In Robotic Instruments Group
Aalto University School - Espoo
University Teacher In Computer Networks And Programming
Aalto University School - Espoo
Researcher, Superconducting Electronics
VTT - Espoo

PhD position - Beyond Shannon with Semantic Communications for 6G Networks and Services
Aalborg University - Grenoble
PhD position - novel integrated circuit topologies using innovative capacitive components on silicon
CEA TECH - Grenoble
Post Doc - Tools and methods for Industry 4.0 complex systems engineering
CEA TECH - Grenoble
Associate Professor (F/H) in Computer Science
IMT Atlantique - Nantes
Associate Professor (F/H) in Artificial Intelligence for Industrial Engineering
IMT Atlantique - Nantes
PhD position in Plasma Instability Identification through Machine Learning
Aix-Marseille University - Marseille
Postdoc in Machine Learning for Structure-based Virtual Screening
Aix-Marseille University - 
Professor in Security of Systems and Software
Telecom Paris - Palaiseau

Research Associate – Efficient machine learning for speech and audio signal processing
Fraunhofer-Institute - Stuttgart
Professorship (W3) for Microsystems in Bioprocess Engineering
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) - Karlsruhe
Full Professorship (W3) of Systems Engineering for Electrical Energy Storage
University of Bayreuth - Bayreuth
Full Professorship (W3) of Electronics of Electrical Energy Storage
University of Bayreuth - Bayreuth
Rudolf Mobbauer Tenure Track Assistant Professorships
Technical University of Munich - 
Rudolf Mobbauer Tenure Track Assistant Professorships
Technical University of Munich - Munich
Research Associate in the Robot and Assistive Systems Department
Bauhaus University Weimar - Stuttgart
Assistant Professorship in Machine Learning in Smart Markets
University of Cologne - Cologne

PhD in Communication Engineering
Polytechnic of Turin - Torino
Assistant Professor in the area of Informatics
Foscari University of Venice - Venezia
Teacher of Science and Mathematics
Rome International School - Rome

Associate Professor in Materials Science and Engineering Ferro/Piezoelectric Materials
Norwegian University of Science & Technology - Trondheim
Professor/Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Norwegian University of Science & Technology - Trondheim
PhD Candidate in Modeling, Simulation and Control of Offshore Systems and Mobile Robots
Norwegian University of Science & Technology - Trondheim
PhD Position in Designing Artificial Intelligence Systems
Umea University - Umea
Associate Professor In Marine Robotics
Clarkson University - Oslo
Postdoctoral Fellowship On Artificial Intelligence 
Oslo Metropolitan University - Oslo
PhD Research Fellow In Collaborative Robots
University of Agder  - Kristiansand
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow In ICT - Internet Of Things (IOT) And Machine Learning
University of Agder  - Kristiansand

Lecturer in Cyber Security
Coventry University - Wroclaw
Lecturer in IT & Digital Technology Solutions
Coventry University - Wroclaw

Faculty Position in Center for Computational and Data Intensive Science and Engineering
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology - Oblast
Assistant, Institute of Biochemical Technology and Nanotechnology
Professor, Department of Applied Informatics and Probability Theory
Embedded Systems in Information Technolog
Peter The Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University - St Petersburg
Computer Science  Faculty of Computer Science
HSE University - Moscow

Postdoc Researcher - Explainable artificial intelligence in robotic systems
Research institute in Barcelona - Barcelona
Associate/ Full Professor Of Railway Engineering Innovatio
Barcelona School of Civil Engineering - Barcelona
Postdoctoral Position in Machine Learning at the Computational Science
Shanghai Normal University - Fabra
Assistant Professor Positions in Econometrics, Operations Research, Probability and Statistics
University Carlos III de Madrid - Madrid
PhD and Postdoctoral positions in Trustworthy Machine Learning
Bcam - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - Bizkaia

Associate Professor in Signal Processing
Uppsala University - Uppsala
Associate Senior Lecturer in Mathematics for Applied Optimization
Karlstad University - Karlstad
Senior lecturer in Computer Science specialized
Karlstad University - Karlstad
Postdoctoral fellowship (2 years) within software security
Umea University - Umea
PhD  Position in Designing Artificial Intelligence Systems
Umea University - Umea
Doctoral  in Applied and Computational Mathematics
KTH Royal Institute of Technology - Stockholm
Associate Professor, Computer Science, specialisation in Computer Systems
KTH Royal Institute of Technology - Stockholm
Associate Professor, Computer Science, specialisation in Foundations of Data Science
KTH Royal Institute of Technology - Stockholm
Associate Professor in mathematics with spec. in mathematical statistics
KTH Royal Institute of Technology - Stockholm
United Kingdom

Research Fellow - Chemical Engineering
University at Albany, State University of New York - Birmingham
Lecturer in Cyber Security
University of Bristol - Bristol
Research Associate in Aeroacoustics
University of Bristol - Bristol
PhD  In Grouting Applications
University of Nottingham - Nottingham
Associate Professor Cyber Security
University of Nottingham - Nottingham
Lecturer in Construction Management and Engineering
Kingston University - Kingston upon Thames
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering
Kingston University - Kingston upon Thames
Senior Lecturer in Engineering
Kings College London - London
United States

Assistant Or Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
University of Arizona - Tucson
Assistant or Associate Professor in Aerospace Engineering
Clarkson University - Potsdam
Assistant Professor Tenure Track Mechanical Engineering
University of Louisville - Louisville
Assistant Professor Tenure Track Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Louisville - Louisville
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
The University Of Chicago - Illinois
Associate Professor, Data Science
The University Of Chicago - Illinois
Postdoctoral Associate, Chemical Engineering
Mit Massachusetts Institute Of Technology - Massachusetts
Instructor - Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of Detroit Mercy - Detroit


To learn more about these and other positions, we invite you to visit our website at


Interested in posting a job vacancy, or get more information? Contact us at or click,d1.html



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