Re: GSoC 2023: Implement MPLS support for FreeBSD

From: Alexander Chernikov <>
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2023 18:33:24 UTC

> On 20 Mar 2023, at 16:49, Joseph Mingrone <> wrote:
> On Fri, 2023-03-10 at 02:46, Ashutosh Anand <> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I am Ashutosh Anand, a final year undergrad at NITK, India. I am one of the
>> prospective student for the following GSoC project.
>> I have been personally interested in implementing this project for FreeBSD.
>> My initial contact with the mentor (Alexander Chernikov) was successful,
>> however, *for the past 3-4 days my communication with him has been off*.
>> Since there were no other assigned mentors for this project I decided to
>> write this email, *to query if I could continue researching and building my
>> proposal for this project*.
>> *Apologize* for the inconvenience caused. Hoping for a positive reply!
>> Regards,
>> Ashutosh Anand
>> CSE student at NITK
> Hi Ashutosh (and Alexander)!
> Alexander (copied) signed up to be a mentor this year, so presumably he
> is available and willing to mentor.  I will try to get clarification.
Yep, that’s my fault. I was busy with other things and only managed to reply on March 10.
We had a productive conversation afterwards. There are no outstanding questions that I’m aware of - and happy to answer them if there are some.

> Regards,
> Joe