Re: How do I configure a port to get a specific sourceforge commit?

From: Daniel Engberg <>
Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2023 05:05:01 UTC
On 2023-08-26 05:18, Cy Schubert wrote:
> In message <>, Craig 
> Leres
> writ
> es:
>> I'm trying to update graphics/netpbm to an actively maintained repo 
>> (PR
>> 262212). I'm told by some that this is the current best choice:
>> Unfortunately its idea of "release management" is less than ideal.
>> Let's say I browse this commit log:
>> and decide that release 11.03.04/commit r4606 is interesting. I can
>> download it if I click on "Tree" for that commit and then "Download
>> Snapshot" it gives me this as the "direct link":
>> This definitely works. But I don't find an existing port that uses
>> sourceforge with a specific commit and no combination of
>> "MASTERSITES=SF..." I've tried works.
>> I have something that does work but it's a horrible hack, essentially:
>>      DISTVERSION=   11.03.04
>> ${MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE:S,/project/%SUBDIR%/,/code-snapshots/svn/n/ne/netpb
>> m/code/,}
>>      DISTNAME=      netpbm-code-r4606-advanced
>>      USES=          zip
>> Is there a less hacky way to do this?
>> 		Craig
> I proxy my -devel ports (cde-devel and motif-devel) based on SF sources
> through my GH account, and the wpa_supplicant-devel/hostapd-devel on a 
> git
> repo at using that method as well. This allows me to use GH 
> plumbing.
> I probably wouldn't suggest this for a non -devel port but if you're 
> ever
> thinking of a netpbm-devel, this may be easier, allowing the use of the 
> GH
> plumbing in ports.
> What I do is clone the remote repo and change the remote name from 
> origin
> to upstream, setting the GH remote to origin and pushing to GH. To 
> update I
> git fetch upstream, git rebase upstream/main, and finally git push 
> origin.
> This too is a hack, probably just as hacky as your hack.

You don't, that's why we've linked to the repos in the PR. is used by Alpine and the 
other with by Arch.

Best regards,