Re: Proposal: remove /usr/bin/minigzip

From: Ed Maste <>
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2022 16:06:43 UTC
On Fri, 29 Jul 2022 at 03:52, Xin Li <> wrote:
> But for applications that really want to have smaller footprint, bzip2
> might be a better alternative -- the binary is bigger than minigzip, but
> library was smaller than zlib so the total size is actually a little bit
> smaller: ...

For applications where tens of kilobytes is a real concern, something
like Rob Landley's "toybox" is probably a better bet.

I configured it to include only gzip and get:
$ ls -l toybox
-r-xr-xr-x  1 emaste  emaste  36880 Jul 29 11:59 toybox
$ ./toybox
$ ldd ./toybox
./toybox: => /lib/ (0x822a42000)

so it's about 25K larger than minigzip, but doesn't depend on libz and
could result in a rather smaller image.

Toybox is at