Re: Scheduling Git Next Steps Kickoff

From: Warner Losh <>
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2021 17:34:55 UTC

Looking at the when2meet shows a hot spot on Wednesday and Thursday
around 19:00 UTC, but with a few exceptions. So our first meeting is going
to be Oct 20 at 19:00 UTC for 1 hour.

I'll send out a meeting invite tomorrow using google calendar once I work
out the right meeting platform to use.

I've created a gitlab repo to coordinate the meeting planning as well as
providing a way for people who may not be able to attend meetings to
influence agenda items or add comments / items to consider.

has the repo. I plan on taking notes during meetings with hackmd
and publishing the results here, as well as updating docs to record
decisions taken. I've put up a draft agenda. Please submit a gitlab
modification request for proposed additions / changes.


On Thu, Oct 7, 2021 at 8:18 AM Warner Losh <> wrote:

> Greetings,
> It's time to have a get together to kick off the next phase of the
> git working group.
> I've set up a when2meet meeting. As far as I can tell, it's the
> most private of all these sorts of sites. Please visit
> to let me know when you're available.
> A big part of this meeting will be coming up with the overall
> goals for the next few months, seeing what experiments need
> to be run and seeing if smaller groups for more focused projects
> make sense.
> Please reply by the end of your day Friday. I'll use the information
> to pick a time. I'll send out an invite to this list over the weekend.
> Given the international nature of this project, however, I suspect
> we'll need to rotate meeting times to give more people a chance
> to participate.
> If you are unable to attend the meeting once I send the meeting
> invite and agenda, please share to the list any thoughts we should
> consider.
> Warner