Picking up hllib, hlextract and Half-Life

From: Karsten Pedersen via freebsd-ports <freebsd-ports_at_freebsd.org>
Date: Sun, 30 May 2021 00:06:46 UTC
Hi all,

I have just submitted two port updates (and maintainer change) for
hllib and hlextract.


This was mainly in preparation for my port of Half-Life. Which is
basically a composite fork of many different projects (Xash3D,
HLSDK, hlextract, unwise). I have put it past a number of members
of the FreeBSD forums with some positive results:


I am a bit rusty on the procedure (I made an initial port of
devel/radare2 and x11/nimbus-gtk a long while back). Is there
anything else that needs to be done?

I am following through here: https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/porters-handbook/quick-porting/#porting-submitting

But am I correct in thinking if I do make further changes (to clean
up some warnings), I simply resubmit a bug report again with the
attached diff? I am hoping to get this right because I plan to pick up
a number of currently unmaintained ports including darkplaces and

(also CC'ed freebsd-games because that might be more relevant?)

Best regards,
