Re: How can I tell when ZFS has finished creating a snapshot?

From: Karl Denninger <>
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2025 19:01:26 UTC
On 1/10/2025 1:52 PM, andy thomas wrote:
> Is there any way I can find out when a ZFS snapshot has completed and 
> can be used, say, for replicating to another server?
> Using the 'zfs snapshot -r ...' command, the command prompt re-appears 
> almost immediately suggesting the command has completed and using the 
> 'zfs list -t snapshot' command the 'USED' column will initially report 
> zero and then it will slowly grow over the next few hours. But it 
> seems to take a long time with no zfs-related processes being reported 
> by 'ps ax'. For example, after 3 hours, a snapshot of a 80TB raidz1 
> pool with only a little over 3 TB used has reported 17.4MB used:
>     NAME                              USED  AVAIL  REFER MOUNTPOINT
> clustor2/ma@2025-01-10_14.45.00  17.4M      -  3.09T  -
> but over the next hour, this 17.4MB usage figure has not increased at 
> all. So I don't know whether to wait another few hours before using 
> 'zfs send' or 'zxfer' to copy the snapshot to a backup server, or 
> whether the snapshot has in fact finished.
> Is there a way to find out the status of a snapshot creation?
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions,

The snapshot is complete when the command returns -- within the 
filesystem a snapshot is an atomic operation.

/Once made all writes to that filesystem are copy-on-write /so as time 
goes on the "Used" amount increases (and the free space goes down by an 
equal amount) because each block that is modified (and only that block) 
is copied.

Karl Denninger
/The Market Ticker/
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