Re: {* 05.00 *}Re: Re: Desperate with 870 QVO and ZFS
- In reply to: Bob Friesenhahn : "Re: {* 05.00 *}Re: Desperate with 870 QVO and ZFS"
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Date: Thu, 07 Apr 2022 08:56:26 UTC
Hi Bob! Thank you so much really for your comments :) :) Wow! I wouldn't have wanted to write in capital letters.... I would have sworn not to have done.... Apologies for that really ..... Note taking mate. We didn't changed almost nothing than the sync param, for avoid modifying the most we could the default config of ZFS. We thought it could perhaps be the most stable config and we have not disk space problems so... Apart of that, for avoid load coming from compression/decompression.... although we have lots of cpu too..... Thanks a lot Bob :) Cheers, El 2022-04-06 22:18, Bob Friesenhahn escribió: > ATENCION > ATENCION > ATENCION!!! Este correo se ha enviado desde fuera de la organizacion. No pinche en los enlaces ni abra los adjuntos a no ser que reconozca el remitente y sepa que el contenido es seguro. > > On Wed, 6 Apr 2022, wrote: > WE DON'T USE COMPRESSION AS IT'S NOT SET BY DEFAULT. SOME PEOPLE SAY YOU SHOULD HAVE IT ENABLED.... BUT.... JUST FOR AVOID HAVING SOME DATA COMPRESSED SOME OTHER NOT (IN CASE YOU ENABLE AND LATER DISABLE) AND FINALLY FOR AVOID ACCESSING TO INFORMATION WITH DIFFERENT CPU COSTS OF HANDLING... WE HAVE NOT TOUCHED COMPRESSION.... There seems to be a problem with your caps-lock key. Since it seems that you said that you are using maildir for your mail server, it is likely very useful if you do enable even rather mild compression (e.g. lz4) since this will reduce the write work-load and even short files will be stored more efficiently. Bob