Re: Arduino IDF -> make/automake based environment

From: Dmitry Salychev via freebsd-embedded <>
Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2021 15:07:39 UTC
Hi Oliver,

I'm working on this small [1] project using FreeBSD only. Software part is based
on FreeRTOS v10.2.1. You can also find some pieces of the development history on
hackaday [2].



> Hello out there,
> I'm using the port devel/arduino18 as the basis for some small projects. I'd like to get
> rid of that clumsy JAVA based IDF and move towards a more make/automake based
> environment. Since I'm interested in coding for some smaller AMTEL MCUs and ESP32 and
> like to digg a bit deeper than simply clicking a host base from a menu, I'm not afraid of
> doing some larger basic setup if needed. But I have so far almost no experience in cross
> compiling on FreeBSD and I'd like to ask whether someone out here has already done
> setting up an environment based on the basic tools FreeBSD provides to develop in an
> crosscompiling sense.
> My IDE of choice would be Anjuta, but this is only a notice besides.
> As fas as I know, the base OS for most MCUs, including my choices ESP32, ESP8266, is a
> derivative of Amazone's FreeRTOS. Can the OS being compiled (cross compiled) on FreeBSD
> assuming the correct compiler is at hand (which is the case, I presume since the Arduino
> IDF is already working on FreeBSD)?
> Thanks in advance,
> Oliver