Handbook - Chapter 26 - potentially misleading note
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2023 14:18:49 UTC
Hi, I was reviewing Chapter 26 of the handbook today in preparation for an upgrade and I was reading section 26.2.3 "Performing Minor and Major Version Upgrades" and noticed what may be a mistake. After running `freebsd-update -r 13.2-RELEASE upgrade` the documentation mentions running `freebsd-update install` but does so in a "Note". To me, the way this reads makes it seem like it's a side-note and not a core part of the updating process. I mentioned it in the #freebsd IRC channel and at least one other user agreed and suggested this part should either not be a note or be changed to a "Warning". When treating this paragraph as a side-note, the documentation makes it seem like the step following `freebsd-update -r 13.2-RELEASE upgrade` is a reboot followed by a `freebsd-update install` (which would not result in a complete upgrade). I'm happy to submit a patch addressing this if there is agreement that it should be changed. As an aside, it was also mentioned on IRC that this section should probably also more explicitly mention/reference updates to the ZFS version and how it may require bootloader updates. At the moment this is only mentioned in the ZFS chapter, and bootloader updates are only mentioned in passing in a different part of chapter 26. Although I don't think I know enough about what specifically it should say to suggest an amendment. Thanks, -- Tomasz Kramkowski