FreeBSD Documentation Portal status and review request

From: Sergio Carlavilla <>
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2021 16:31:18 UTC
Dear FreeBSD community,

A couple of months ago we added information about the new FreeBSD
Documentation Portal to the quarterly reports[1].

Well, at this time there's some things that need to be accomplished in the new
Documentation Portal. For example a local search using Algolia[2] as Hugo[3] or
AsciiDoctor[4] does. Algolia provides a free version for Open Source
And the dark theme.

Apart from that, you can see the new Documentation Portal here[6]. I
used my personal
VPS to deploy the documentation portal temporarily to show to the
community since I have problems with Gitlab and Docker. I didn't add
all the languages because the bandwidth and the disk size is very
limited. I have the cheapest VPS in Digital Ocean hehe.

To summarize the changes you are going to find:

- Completely new responsive design. Tested in FreeBSD and all other major OS.
- Removed Python from the dependencies.
- Removed the list of figures, tables and examples.
Do you think these lists are useful? In this case I'll restore it
using the AsciiDoctor API instead of Python.

This change will not be as traumatic as the previous one, it will not
be necessary
to freeze the repository or change the technology used to build the
The existing theme will "just" be modified.

Please let me know your thoughts about this :)
I'm gonna send this message to the documentation and translators list
to reach more people.

The next steps will be:

- Finish the dark theme (1 more week)
- Implement Algolia to use it for local searches (1 more week)
- Use mandoc to generate the manual pages
- Redesign the ports page
- Redesign of the FreeBSD main website

