Re: Use make to only build new files in the documentation
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 2021 21:11:43 UTC
On nov 14 19:46, Sergio Carlavilla wrote: > > Hi Rocky, > > You have two options here. > > First option is to build the documentation only with one language. > For example, to build only the english language use: > > make run DOC_LANG="en" > > In the second option you can go to the folder of the modified document and run: > > asciidoctor _index.adoc > > Let me know if this helps you. > > PS: In my laptop, building all the documents in English took 1'5 > minutes. I'm using a Thinkpad X200. Hi! Thank you for the suggestions. Building with English only is significantly faster, I'm on an old `Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU' with 2 cores, but it takes about less than 3 minutes to build. This is ok! I also tried with `asciidoctor _index.adoc', but it didn't work: % asciidoctor _index.adoc asciidoctor: ERROR: _index.adoc: line 11: level 0 sections can only be used when doctype is book and this occurs if _index.adoc is related to an article (for example documentation/content/en/articles/rc-scripting) or a Handbook chapter (a subdirectory of documentation/content/en/books/handbook). However, if Hugo's internal webserver is active (after a `make run'), and I modify a _index.adoc file (and save it), it gets updated also as a webpage, so I can instantly browse the updated contents. This is great and may be another solution. Thank you! Rocky