[FBSD_LDWG] Modern Hardware Support

From: Tomek CEDRO <tomek_at_cedro.info>
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2025 20:40:01 UTC
Hello world :-)

Something like Modern Hardware Support and Hardware Compatibility
Matrix can be added to the project. I would like to bump by hardware
but I am not sure if FreeBSD will work after replacing base components
like CPU and Motherboard into something recent (i.e. AMD Zen5 9950X).

I mean level of support can indicate on what hardware FreeBSD can run
base configuration without problems i.e. installer uninterrupted,
storage controller, network card, audio, video, usb works reliably.
Knowing possible problems and issues would be a benefit not to buy a
hardware that is for sure not supported or can be fixed somehow (i.e.
microcode update or using pci-e gpu instead soc provided).

In addition some sort of "ostest" application can be developed that
would list what is available, what is possible, plus stress testing
for stability verification. Maybe hw-probe can be extended with such
reliability and stress testing mechanisms?

Example GitHub ticket below.

## User Story
* Make sure that FreeBSD RELEASE base installs and runs reliably on
modern hardware.
* Make sure using popular AMD/Intel CPU, motherboard chipsets, mass
storage, network controllers, etc, provide reliable experience for
* Add verified hardware configurations to Supported Hardware matrix so
users are sure specific hardware configuration is known to work with
no problems.

## Implementation Notes
* Create list of modern components (i.e. top-level like AMD Zen5 CPU,
then detailed like AMD Ryzen Zen5 9950X CPU, AMD X870E chipset, or
Intel NC100 family, etc).
* Verify install and runtime process on a modern hardware (may be
performed by end users).
* Note what is working and/or problematic.
* A standard test runtime may be developed that will test all possible
areas on user hardware then report back. Such program should report
available hardware, supported components, stress tests that would
verify stability.

## Acceptance Criteria
- [ ] Installation with no problems (i.e. USB installer runs from all
ports, installer completes uninterrupted, no networking problems, no
mass storage problems, etc).
- [ ] Base system runs efficiently and reliably (i.e. no kernel panics).
- [ ] Mass storage support (i.e. storage controller is supported and
works fine, no filesystem corruption).
- [ ] Networking support (i.e. network card is supported and works
fine, no network problems, no watchdog issues, speed test okay, etc).
- [ ] Sound support (i.e. audio chipset is supported, audio channels
and control works fine, etc).
- [ ] GPU support (i.e. SoC containing GPU and CPU provides basic
framebuffer video output, dedicated video driver with 3D acceleration
is available and works reliably, multi-monitor setup is possible with
screen rotation, etc).
- [ ] USB support (i.e. USB controller chipset is supported and works
fine, no resets, no disconnections, all ports available, speed test
okay, etc).

Thanks :-)

CeDeROM, SQ7MHZ, http://www.tomek.cedro.info