poudriere and the user ... is it mostly a lost idea?
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 15:16:58 UTC
All : Over the past month or so I see endless fails in builds for the big three user facing window manager things. This means that a simple user type person can not get a desktop. Really? Yes really. For at least a month or more you can not build KDE5 nor LXDE nor XFCE desktop. With FreeBSD there is a trivial idea that it exists in source form and one can compile *anything* needed. Am I wrong here? So correct me, with a taser to the left, gently, if I am wrong. Sure, a user can just use whatever packages are being provided by some magic server somewhere in a fluffy cloud with coloured unicorns that dance on the rainbows. Failed: ?? Poudriere lately always says fail. Every day. Every time. For the last month or more and I suspect more if I drag the logs out. I do not want to do that. I just am curious and perhaps misled with a silly notion that FreeBSD can be used by, you know, a user. This is not ubuntu and I am so thankful for that. This is not IBM or Red Fat. Why do I always see things like this : Queued: 31 Built: 21 Failed: 1 Skipped: 9 Ignored: 0 Fetched: 0 Tobuild: 0 Time: 00:09:43 Every day. Over and over. For 14.2 and 13.4 and even 15.0 ? Every day. [142amd64-latest] [2025-01-15_15h06m30s] [parallel_build] Queued: 315 Built: 20 Failed: 0 Skipped: 0 Ignored: 0 Fetched: 0 Tobuild: 295 Time: 00:03:39 It will fail. For 2025Q1 or 2024Q4 or whatever is "latest". Fail. So I am happy to kick this hornets nest. Let the flames begin. Fine. The whole desktop user experience is broken and has been for a long time. I have the logs. I see the fails. Over and over. For a long time now. So then, do I labour under the false assumption that FreeBSD can be, you know, used? By a ... you know ... a human type? Am I lost here ? If the power to serve is just a backend server. Then fine. State that up front and lets drop the whole user stuff into a deep oubliette. -- -- Dennis Clarke RISC-V/SPARC/PPC/ARM/CISC UNIX and Linux spoken