Re: Deprecating smbfs(5) and removing it before FreeBSD 14

From: John Hixson <>
Date: Tue, 04 Jun 2024 23:05:02 UTC
> Thank you for the message. I'm glad someone has the courage to take the
> plunge. Smbfs is still very important to me. In a heterogeneous environment
> it is still the most common way to share data between systems.
> Are you planning the final version as a kernel module, or will the final
> version be via FUSE? I have had bad experiences with FUSE in the past with
> stability and performance.

The final version will be a kernel module. It  will also be BSD
licensed. I am not an expert at the VFS layer so I want to get the stack
ironed out in FUSE before moving it into kernel space.

- John