Re: [Bug 269133] bnxt(4): BCM57416 - HWRM_CFA_L2_SET_RX_MASK command returned RESOURCE_ALLOC_ERROR error

From: Santiago Martinez <>
Date: Tue, 04 Jun 2024 10:49:42 UTC
Hi everyone, just to follow up.

I have found something interesting, at the moment I'm focusing on the 
issue related to the creation and deletion of sub-interfaces that 
trigger ALLOC/MASK errors and bricks the NIC ( not completely as the 
other port keeps working, this card has 2x10G).

I have found the following:

- If a port is down (let's say bnxt1) and sub-interfaces are created ( 
bnxt1.1100) then the port is activated (ifconfig bnxt1 up). this will 
trigger the issues of the filters and the card will not be able to be  
"programmed" again until the next reboot (not sure if there is any way 
to reset it, the devctl reset did not work).

echo "Creating Interfaces and brick the card"

ifconfig bnxt1.1011 create up fib 10
ifconfig bnxt1.1001 create up fib 11
ifconfig bnxt1.1002 create up fib 12
ifconfig bnxt1.1003 create up fib 13
ifconfig bnxt1.1004 create up fib 14
ifconfig bnxt1.1005 create up fib 15
ifconfig bnxt1 up --- ( at this point is bricked) ---

--- then destroy and shutdown bnxt1 ---

- If I do the same, but just make sure that the port is "admin up" 
before creating and deleting the sub-interfaces, everything works like 
charm. No errors are seen.

echo "Creating Interfaces and bricks the card"
ifconfig bnxt1 up
ifconfig bnxt1.1011 create up fib 10
ifconfig bnxt1.1001 create up fib 11
ifconfig bnxt1.1002 create up fib 12
ifconfig bnxt1.1003 create up fib 13
ifconfig bnxt1.1004 create up fib 14
ifconfig bnxt1.1005 create up fib 15
--- then destroy and shutdown bnxt1 ---

This is tested against main from yesterday.

Best regards.


On 5/28/24 11:30, Gerrit Kühn wrote:
> Am Tue, 28 May 2024 11:25:09 +0200
> schrieb Santiago Martinez <>:
>> *"The latest I have is"*
>> Indeed, the firmware on my box is older, I cannot upgrade it right now,
>> but it is on my to-do list.
> Same here, I guess (pkgver). It says
> dev.bnxt.0.ver.fw_ver:
> on both systems.
> Also, I don't think I can upgrade the firmware separately, it comes with
> the mainboard's bios (which is the latest available).
> cu
>    Gerrit