Re: filemon

From: Miroslav Lachman <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2024 13:22:47 UTC
On 30/07/2024 14:55, Michael Gmelin wrote:
> On Tue, 30 Jul 2024 11:38:57 +0200
> Miroslav Lachman <> wrote:


>> Does this also apply today? I recently read from someone on a mailing
>> list that the kld_list in rc.conf is no longer needed, that any
>> problems it used to solve are solved, and that the preferred way is
>> to load everything from loader.conf. So I'm curious, what's the right
>> thing to do then? (I load most of my modules from rc.conf)
> I think this is what you're referring to, quoting Warner (emphasis is
> mine):
> w> Also, in this case, kld_list is a terrible place to load the files.
> w> You're better off loading them with xxx_load=YES in loader.conf. The
> w> reason is that both uhid and ums will match your mouse. kld_list
> w> loads these in a random order (effectively) and the first one to
> w> load will claim the device, since there's no re-probe when the next
> w> one loads. **You should never use it, unless the module you're
> w> loading isn't supported by the boot loader (like drm-kmod)**. The old
> w> advice was to put everything in kld_list and it would speed up boot,
> w> but all the performance bugs in the boot loader have been fixed by a
> w> combination of moving to UEFI (which is generally faster), BIOSes
> w> with performance bugs disappearing 10 years ago and block caching
> w> being added to the boot loader. It should almost always be empty or
> w> just drm-mod these days (unless you somehow have special needs).
> w>
> w> By adding uhid last to this list in this way, you're guaranteeing
> w> you'll hit this bug because it's not after ums, and that things
> w> won't work.
> w>
> w> Warner
> Cheers

Yes, this is it! I didn't remember the subject, so I couldn't find it. 
Thank you for the original message!

Kind regards
Miroslav Lachman