Re: Removing fdisk and bsdlabel (legacy partition tools)

From: Sulev-Madis Silber <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2024 15:24:32 UTC
call me new, i only started with 4.6, being 19 years old at that time, which is pretty good i think

i've always found anything but gpart way too confusing to use. by that time i started with fbsd, chs was also gone for good. hence, no need, and when gpart came, i just switched over. and i consider myself a slow adapter to some of new things

also, why would ufs users need to be immediately assumed to be only using anything but gpart? it's not like ufs is some old legacy. also i don't really believe you could really use 15 with all the features except of some disk tools. on all new hw. on old hw, you won't be using 15. because fdisk is not the only thing we removed over years. unsure if sad or happy path. nbsd seems to support everything still i see. i don't know, maybe i should have really started with actual unix where i would have gotten lifelong preference to fdisk and disklabel. high respect if those ones read this tho

but yea, from all the replies, only thing i see is fdisk and disklabel is more comfortable to use, while giving no technical benefits at all. fuck knows if that's the reason to keep them then

i recall myself objecting before when there was call to remove grdc and pom. can't say about pom, i've used it for fun sometimes. grdc found use when checking if times are in sync. but those really belong to ports. it not like those disappear or get banned. i could put them there myself, if it comes up again and i still miss them

we have moved a lot of things to ports already, since 4.6. altho, if pkgbase comes along, some argue against it too, it would be hard to draw a line where the "base" ends. what's "officially" supported and what's not

but yeah, i can confirm that a lot of changes have annoyed me. switch to pkgng. or that libxo breaks stuff. pkgng now works i think, xo is still crapshoot. despite, i admit i like being able to get json from sysutils

so yeah changes kind of suck, but they still happen?