Re: PinePhone Pro Boots On CURRENT

From: Gary Jennejohn <>
Date: Wed, 31 May 2023 13:35:55 UTC
On Wed, 31 May 2023 12:00:43 +0200
Mario Marietto <> wrote:

> ---> No, with this you cannot replace Android with Linux.  This hack merely
> provides a way to run a different OS in a KVM.
> ok,but what do I see as soon as I have flashed the boot.img to the phone
> with odin ? can I virtualize freebsd,right ? What tool can I use in FreeBSD
> to place phone calls and to send sms ? because this is what I want to do. A
> freeBSD powered phone.

You'll see the hacked Android version which the developer has provided.

Android remains the OS for the phone.  FreeBSD does not have the requiired
proprietary driver blobs which are used by Android and I greatly doubt
that FreeBSD running in a KVM will have access to all (or any) of the
these hardware elements.

Click on raspiduino/a6lte-kvm in the upper left corner of the github
link.  This will take you to the source repository which has a long
document about his hack.  Read it.


Gary Jennejohn