Re: MOTD is not created correctly (since 2022/02/18)

From: Jamie Landeg-Jones <>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2023 10:36:50 UTC
Xin Li <> wrote:

> Maybe ?
> (Nice find by the way!  I always feel that something was not right but 
> haven't looked close enough.)

Thanks! What is the best way to report things like this in the future?

I'm happy to create a phabricator report, Enji suggested a PR, and
previously, Warner said he's happy to accept github pull requests for
small changes.

Now, I admit I've not yet looked at how to do github pull requests, so
that omission is entirely my fault.

As for PRs, I've always done that previously, but these days they tend to
go unnoticed.

And I thought Phabricator was for comitters only. If that's not the case,
do I create a review there and add people myself? That has always seemed
a bit presumptuous!

Or is it a case of create PR/review, and then notify the appropriate mailing

If so, when is it appropriate to use phabricator over PR, and vice verca?

I'm an old dog still used to "send-pr", but I'm happy to learn the new tricks! :-)

Cheers, Jamie