Re: Seeking an idiot's guide to etcupdate/mergemaster

From: Graham Perrin <>
Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2022 04:24:06 UTC

On 06/11/2022 17:35, George Michaelson wrote:

> I am probably alone in this

You're not alone.

> … I find the … <<<<</>>>>>
> markers in the update diffs intensely confusing.

diff3 bracketing.

<<<<<<< is where a conflict begins,
 >>>>>>> is where it ends.

Beyond that, it was difficult for me to find an explanation that's simple.

In the midst of a long page from twenty-nine years ago:

begins with simplicity.

(2016-08-05) puts diff3(1) in the context of etcupdate(8).

suggests a command that has no effect:

     info diff3


For people who prefer complexity, from the outset, when attempting to 
grasp (or remember) something that's new, or complex:


– the team includes Alice and Bob developing a recipe book with a soup 
with six ingredients, one of which is a common allergen – celery, 
garlic, onions, salmon, tomatoes, wine – things get chunky when both 
Alice and Bob differ from the original and neither Adam nor Eve are 
emitted; adapted from Khanna, S., Kunal, K., Pierce, B.C. (2007). A 
Formal Investigation of Diff3. In: Arvind, V., Prasad, S. (eds) FSTTCS 
2007: Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer 
Science. FSTTCS 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 4855. 
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.


> Given many merges are
> large blocks, its almost impossible to keep context flitting about in
> vi …


> TL;DR the merge process for FreeBSD-update and like, can be intensely
> confusing when you try to reconcile what it tells you about /etc/
> -G
> On Sun, Nov 6, 2022 at 12:07 PM Tomoaki AOKI <> wrote:
> …