Re: Loader can't find /boot/ua/loader.lua on UFS after main-n255828-18054d0220c

From: David Wolfskill <>
Date: Mon, 30 May 2022 12:38:27 UTC
On Mon, May 30, 2022 at 05:16:57AM -0700, Alastair Hogge wrote:
> ...
> I have not been able to use a new /boot/loader.efi (following -CURRENT)
> since 
> mid to late 2021, and your symptoms look the same; fortunately, I found
> bug 
> report 264282[0] last night, which I think is related. Yamagi has
> already done 
> the investigation, and found a possible cause. For the time being, in
> the case 
> of a GELI backed UFS mount, after GELI decrypts the mount, one has to
> manually 
> set currdev back to the correct disk.
> 0:
> ....

I (just) checked; after switching back to the Lua loader, the currdev
variable is set to "disk0s4a:", which is correct for my case.

Trying loader's "lsdev" command shows the expected disks, slices, and
partitions, correctly identified as FreeBSD UFS, swap, or ZFS.

Trying to (e.g.) "ls disk0s4a:" fails, saying that it can't find /.

David H. Wolfskill                    
"Putin is a paranoid dictator.  Putin must go. He started a senseless war
and is leading Russia into a ditch." - Egor Polyakov & Alexandra Miroshnikova

See for my public key.