loading amfgpu results in immefiate power off on 12.3-STABLE r371721
Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2022 04:42:19 UTC
This probably isn't the correct list. But it's the closest of all the lists I'm subscribed to. Please forgive me. OK so here's what happened. I couldn't get the trackpad on a Dell laptop I just got to work in FreeBSD-13. So after a couple of days, I gave up and tried 12.3-STABLE r371721 today. Once I got the network (wifi) going. I pkg installed drm-kmod && it's depends. Added kld_list="amdgpu" to rc.conf && rebooted. The moment it loaded, the screen went black and it powered off. Booted to single-user, fsck && cp /var/log/messages to ~/ . I'm attaching a copy in case it sheds any light on the cause. The most interesting thing about all this, is that amdgpu worked flawlessly on 13 -- go figure. Thanks! --Chris