Re: USB Disk Stalls on -current

From: Sean Bruno <>
Date: Tue, 08 Feb 2022 14:54:07 UTC

On 2/6/22 10:14, Sean Bruno wrote:
> I'm doing something "gross" with ZFS & Plex on a little Intel NUC that I 
> have here at the house to provide me with a nice little NAS at home. I'm 
> using 2x USB2 external disks as the mirror.
> I noted that the two USB2 disks I'm using in a mirror seem to "stall" 
> from time to time and its not clear to me why.
> I'd like to poke further into the USB system but I'm not sure where I 
> should start to see if there is something amiss with the hardware (e.g. 
> the disks suck) or if FreeBSD is losing track of something during I/O 
> leading to a stall/timeout.
> I'm not seeing data loss or anything, I just note from time to time 
> during large file transfers that the clanking/grinding sound of the 
> spinning rust on my desk completely stops, the encoding of the video 
> files stops (so its waiting for a read to complete) and its gets much 
> quieter in my office.  :-)
> sean

I think I'm going to grab one of these fancy 5-disk USB 3 enclosures I 
see on the Internet.  ;-)

Most of the consumer grade units seem to have one or more issues (no NCQ 
depth more than 1, loud/bad fans, hard to get a real JBOD mode, JBOD 
mode eats serial numbers making ID hard).

I think I settled on the TERRAMASTER D5-300 USB3.1

I'll post back results when it arrives and I get done swearing and 
cursing during the replacement.
