Re: archivers/arj fails to build on jail

From: Jesper Schmitz Mouridsen <>
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2022 17:19:55 UTC

On 30.08.2022 18.45, Jesper Schmitz Mouridsen wrote:
> On 30.08.2022 18.03, Renato Botelho wrote:
>> On 30/08/22 12:39, Renato Botelho wrote:
>>> On 30/08/22 11:35, Jesper Schmitz Mouridsen wrote:
>>>> On 30.08.2022 13.17, Renato Botelho wrote:
>>>>> On 29/08/22 20:32, Jesper Schmitz Mouridsen wrote:
>>>>>> On 29.08.2022 17.29, Renato Botelho wrote:
>>>>>>> There is a PR [1] opened for years reporting arj fails to build 
>>>>>>> on a jail.  Recently I reproduced it on a system running CURRENT.
>>>>>>> I just launched a jail and tried to build it, and got the error 
>>>>>>> as described:
>>>>>> Did you use ezjail?
>>>>>> I tried to replicate and I think the error is triggered by
>>>>>> the nullfs usage of ezjail. I copied the settings of ezjail without
>>>>>> nullfs usage (using the basejail as path adding etc from the 
>>>>>> failing jail to it and removing the fstab from jail.conf) and arj 
>>>>>> did get a working msgbind.
>>>>> Yes, I also use ezjail.  I'm cc'ing ezjail's maintainer to see if 
>>>>> we can get some advice.
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Hi again.
>>>> I narrowed this down to  symlinks ,wiithin the jail, to the nullfs 
>>>> mountpoint.
>>>> Replacing symlinks to the basejail mount point with dirs and setting 
>>>> this in the fstab of the jail
>>>> and msgbind is a valid executable
>>>> /usr/jails/basejail/bin /usr/jails/test1/bin nullfs ro 0 0
>>>> /usr/jails/basejail/boot /usr/jails/test1/boot nullfs ro 0 0
>>>> /usr/jails/basejail/lib /usr/jails/test1/lib nullfs ro 0 0
>>>> /usr/jails/basejail/libexec /usr/jails/test1/libexec nullfs ro 0 0
>>>> /usr/jails/basejail/rescue /usr/jails/test1/rescue nullfs ro 0 0
>>>> /usr/jails/basejail/sbin /usr/jails/test1/sbin nullfs ro 0 0
>>>> /usr/jails/basejail/usr/bin /usr/jails/test1/usr/bin nullfs ro 0 0
>>>> /usr/jails/basejail/usr/lib /usr/jails/test1/usr/lib nullfs ro 0 0
>>>> /usr/jails/basejail/usr/include /usr/jails/test1/usr/include nullfs 
>>>> ro 0 0
>>>> /usr/jails/basejail/usr/lib32 /usr/jails/test1/usr/lib32 nullfs ro 0 0
>>>> /usr/jails/basejail/usr/ports /usr/jails/test1/usr/ports nullfs ro 0 0
>>>> /usr/jails/basejail/usr/libdata /usr/jails/test1/usr/libdata nullfs 
>>>> ro 0 0
>>>> /usr/jails/basejail/usr/sbin /usr/jails/test1/usr/sbin nullfs ro 0 0
>>>> /usr/jails/basejail/usr/share /usr/jails/test1/usr/share nullfs ro 0 0
>>>> /usr/jails/basejail/usr/libexec /usr/jails/test1/usr/libexec nullfs 
>>>> ro 0 0
>>>> /usr/jails/basejail/usr/src /usr/jails/test1/usr/src nullfs ro 0 0
>>>> It should be further narrowed down but nullfs alone is not the issue.
>>> Interesting.  And just to add a note here, I copied msgbind from jail 
>>> to host and tried to execute it to confirm binary was really bad and 
>>> I got the same Abort trap message.
>> And one more interesting information is it builds fine with gcc. I 
>> just added USE_GCC=yes to the port and it worked.
> if you inspect the output of realpath /usr/bin/cc i think we are close 
> to a cause.. it includes /basejail in my setup.. if you copy cc out of 
> basejail e.g /usr/local/bin and make CC=/usr/local/bin it also works..
> perhaps some linking  of msgbind fails because of "wrong" realpath...

That even manifests without a jail so moving /usr/bin to 
/something/usr/bin and having /usr/bin as a śyḿlink to 
/something/usr/bin breaks the port