Non EFI boot issue

From: Thomas Laus <>
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2022 15:10:04 UTC
Another issue with the update today.  This update went well on all of my 
PC's that use EFI but spews a lot of disturbing messages on my only 
laptop without an EFI BIOS:

Attempted recovery for standard superblock: failed
Attempt to find boot zone recovery data: failed

It jumps to what is normally Menu item 6 and then successfully boots.

My update version information:

FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT #9 main-n257443-f7413197245: Wed Aug 17 08:15:27 
EDT 2022

All of my gpart utilities list, show and status have no errors.


Public Keys:
PGP KeyID = 0x5F22FDC1
GnuPG KeyID = 0x620836CF