Re: PATH: /usr/local before or after /usr ?

From: Cameron Katri via freebsd-current <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2021 16:24:15 UTC
On Fri, Jul 16, 2021 at 10:11:41AM -0600, Alan Somers wrote:
> Ugh, that's a good example.  I was thinking more about interactive
> programs, like say /usr/bin/vi vs editors/vim.  Hypothetically how would
> one solve the conflict if /usr/local/bin came before /usr/bin ?  Install
> binutils's binaries to /usr/local/libexec/binutils/ ?  But a lot of ports
> depend on binutils.  That would be a ton of ports to update.
> BTW my motivation for this thread is a new replacement for gstat that I'm
> working on.  I would like to name it "gstat", but if /usr/sbin must come
> before /usr/local/sbin, then that won't be a very helpful name.
> -Alan

Or, you could give it a different name, install it to ~/.local/bin or
probably the best option, `alias gstat='/usr/local/sbin/gstat'`. But imo
setting /usr/local/bin before /usr/bin will cause countless more
problems than any issue it solves.

- Cameron

Cameron Katri
PGP Fingerprint: 7D3B36CEA40FCC2181FB6DCDBAFFD97826540F1C