ungoogled-chromium pkg IGNORE but the port builds fine
- Reply: Rene Ladan : "Re: ungoogled-chromium pkg IGNORE but the port builds fine"
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Date: Wed, 04 Jan 2023 15:57:31 UTC
Hello, How come the ungoogled-chromium pkg is marked as IGNORE? I was able to build the port successfully on 13.1-RELEASE with the following distinfo: TIMESTAMP = 1670479867 SHA256 (chromium-108.0.5359.98.tar.xz) = 60b6137971e3cb2947477f654491ed4f517ab88ea2807fa3b89fcce34b83561e SIZE (chromium-108.0.5359.98.tar.xz) = 1731439592 SHA256 (ungoogled-chromium-108.0.5359.98-1.tar.gz) = 91afcb2ab483b226979b4114ba5ce2aa462658688c10cafd29f78c4be607357e SIZE (ungoogled-chromium-108.0.5359.98-1.tar.gz) = 671319 SHA256 (chromium-108.0.5359.98-testdata.tar.xz) = f03ade0ad013e0cd5fa529b44ec101c2e0b21532e4cfd038ef2699ca40b94a92 SIZE (chromium-108.0.5359.98-testdata.tar.xz) = 265714556 SHA256 (test_fonts-336e775eec536b2d785cc80eff6ac39051931286.tar.gz) = a2ca2962daf482a8f943163541e1c73ba4b2694fabcd2510981f2db4eda493c8 SIZE (test_fonts-336e775eec536b2d785cc80eff6ac39051931286.tar.gz) = 32624734 Thanks in advance, Alex