Where is the honest and sensible open source, open standards community?
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Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2023 18:11:52 UTC
I cannot be the only one. I cannot be the outlier. Attending high-tech meetings for years, there is a hundred percent consensus (other than me) of my peers, co-workers, professional and volunteer equals, to follow the current mainstream agenda of the day. Patriot act is good to steal your personal freedoms. Revenge against other countries and their children is okay if we find some link between them and some staged events. Ukraine is evil because of the government coup and because they attack their own citizens who want to exit. Wait, Ukraine is good and we should highlight the acting and we should launder money there. Election / voting fraud is bad. Oh, voting crimes no longer happen and it doesn't matter. Twitter is great. Social media is great as they provide ways for dissidents to communicate and "spring" up. Twitter and social media is bad because they won't hide or block who I don't like. The government is bad for having so many restrictions. The government is good for funding and requesting technology and media companies to restrict communications and data sharing. The government is bad for poisoning us and for funding bioweapons. The government is good and all bioweapon development communication is hidden. The government is bad for colluding with big pharma. The government is suddenly good for hiring big phartma. Crypto currency is good because it diverts the government. Crypto currency is good as it funnels Ukraine money back to politicians. Crypto currency is bad because you cannot track the money. The government is bad for mandates. The government is good for allowing medical autonomy. The government is good for forcing medical decisions. The government is bad for not allowing personal medical choices. What is it? Where do they get their news? All the same places and even their competition is controlled opposition. Did you know the government communicated and planned with staged events and conferences the covid pandemic for years? Did you know it rolled out other pandemics over the years? It followed the agenda. Did you know that "influenza vaccine" signs disappeared and influenza rates dropped to effectively zero? Did you know that 99% of the deaths were senior citizens who were murdered with paralytics, improper use of ventilators, and toxic remdesivir? Did you know new bioweapons keep on being created and deployed? Did you know the experts who created the bioweapons also collaborated with inventing the inoculations in over a 20 year period and then they hid from any scrutiny? Did you know the mainstream media is funded by the big pharna? Did you know that tens of thousands of medical workers/doctors are against the scam? Did you know the governments own records show that the inoculations are causing the greatest genocide in history? Look around. Pick any group and you will find more illnesses and deaths, post inoculation, than you have ever seen before. Did you know the government told Twitter to close a senate-candidate's account? Did you know the government told Facebook to censor its citizens? These are from court records pre-dating the Twitter Files. Do you even read the Twitter Files? The government met frequently and used multiple communication methods to get social media platforms to shadow ban accounts and content, lock accounts, and otherwise control communication narratives. Did you know that the same government stages criminal events all over the world and in your back yard? Why do you use open source? Why do you believe in open standards? Do you believe science and news is best when controlled by the government? Remember a life time ago when you wanted to stick it to the man (proprietary software for example)? Take off your mask. Take off your blinders. Open your minds. Use your open source skills and open standards beliefs.