[Bug 271819] FREEBSD 13.0 machine becomes unresponsive after some days.

From: <bugzilla-noreply_at_freebsd.org>
Date: Sun, 04 Jun 2023 14:21:28 UTC

            Bug ID: 271819
           Summary: FREEBSD 13.0 machine becomes unresponsive after some
           Product: Base System
           Version: Unspecified
          Hardware: amd64
                OS: Any
            Status: New
          Severity: Affects Some People
          Priority: ---
         Component: bin
          Assignee: bugs@FreeBSD.org
          Reporter: anwarcse47us@gmail.com


We have recently upgraded our virtual machines to freebsd 13.0 from freebsd
We have seen that machine becomes unresponsive after running for some days.
Sometimes, it is becoming unresponsive after 2 days and sometimes it is taking
upto 2-3 months before becoming unresponsive.
VM configuration:
number of CPU: 2

We have observed, just before machine becoming unresponsive, access to one of
the directory is getting hung means:
Let's say I have a directory /x/y/z/outbox. any command from shell trying to
access the directory outbox is going into Uninterrupted sleep state and shell
is getting hung. 
There are DU processes, accessing outbox directory, run at certain intervals
are getting stuck in UFS state as seen in TOP command.
34877 root          1  20    0    28M  2952K ufs      0   0:01   0.00% du
75703 root          1  20    0    28M  2628K ufs      1   0:01   0.00% du
 6753 root          1  20    0    28M  2980K ufs      0   0:01   0.00% du
87132 root          1  20    0    28M  2980K ufs      0   0:01   0.00% du
63429 root          1  20    0    28M  2972K ufs      1   0:01   0.00% du
18308 root          1  20    0    28M  2652K ufs      1   0:01   0.00% du
18074 root          1  20    0    28M  2580K ufs      0   0:01   0.00% du
88042 root          1  20    0    27M  2992K ufs      0   0:01   0.00% du
82363 root          1  20    0    27M  2996K ufs      0   0:01   0.00% du

There is a JAVA process, that reads data from outbox directory, has also got
into STOP state and we are unable to even kill that Java process.
In other occurrences of this issue, we have seen a custom python process got
stuck consuming 100% CPU and its input directory was seen getting repaired
during reboot.

This problem is getting resolved after reboot. During reboot we can see that
fsck command is being run to correct that directory.
reboot logs:
Sometimes DIR becoming UNREF:
kernel: DIR I=2964556 CONNECTED. PARENT WAS I=2964003
kernel: UNREF DIR  I=2964499  OWNER=root MODE=40755
kernel: SIZE=2048 MTIME=May 26 13:50 2023
kernel: RECONNECT? yes

kernel: ***** FILE SYSTEM STILL DIRTY *****
kernel: ***** FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED *****

In another occurrence: Parent DIR had wrong link count.
Logs during reboot:
kernel: /dev/da0p9: LINK COUNT DIR I=700908 OWNER=root MODE=40777
kernel: /dev/da0p9: SIZE=512 MTIME=Jun 2 09:05 2023 COUNT 3 SHOULD BE 2

These symptoms are similar to freebsd bug report:

So we tried patching :

and also added a logic to run sync as mentioned in the bug #224292. But nothing

We have observed that this is happening only on machine having 2 CPU cores and
6 GB ram. It is not happening on machine with greater number of CPU cores and

Thanks in advance...

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