RPI5 serial console? - Re: Raspbery Pi support (release notes/wiki page) update? (RPI5)

From: Ronald Klop <ronald-lists_at_klop.ws>
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2025 10:47:08 UTC

Thanks for all this info.
I received my RPI5 and noticed that the default serial/UART is not on GPIO anymore, but via a dedicated 3-pin JST HS (?) connector.

Do you use some cable on this? What do you use?

I found this: https://www.raspberrypi.com/products/debug-probe/
Does somebody know about a simpler JST-USB connector for serial console on RPI5?


Van: Mark Millard <marklmi@yahoo.com>
Datum: vrijdag, 10 januari 2025 18:52
Aan: Ronald Klop <ronald-lists@klop.ws>
CC: Paul Floyd <pjfloyd@wanadoo.fr>, freebsd-arm@freebsd.org
Onderwerp: Re: Raspbery Pi support (release notes/wiki page) update? (RPI5)
> Hello Ronald,
> (Working from memory and old Email content.)
> I'll note that I have partitions for the FreeBSD EFI loader
> (msdosfs), FreeBSD-in-UFS, and SWAP-space on USB3 media but
> the rpi5-uefi content on a microsd card in a msdosfs . I
> copy the FreeBSD loader.efi to the USB3's msdosfs with
> appropriate path and file naming. (Note: My context is
> normally main [so: 15 at this point].)
> From an old Email (/boot/efi is a mount point for USB3
> media's msdsofs):
> # find /boot/efi/EFI/ -print
> /boot/efi/EFI/
> /boot/efi/EFI/FREEBSD
> /boot/efi/EFI/FREEBSD/loader.efi
> /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT
> /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/bootaa64.efi
> I doubt that the FREEBSD path is needed but I've always
> blindly made both copies of the /boot/loader.efi that is in
> FreeBSD's file system for aarch64.
> Note: I force the capitalization of EFI to make the name
> distinct. /boot/efi/efi/ is normal as I remember. EFI is in
> the msdosfs .
> In this organization, the microsd card is the starting point. The
> rpi5-uefi then finds the USB3's msdosfs's BOOT/bootaa64.efi .
> That in turn finds the USB3's FreeBSD kernel in UFS and loads and
> starts it. That in turn does the mount of the root file system
> (from the same UFS file system as the kernel in my context) and
> starts the world code.
> I've also done examples with ZFS (bectl use) instead of UFS in
> the past but normally only use ZFS on the largest/fastest FreeBSD
> configuration that I (usually) have access to. (I've never used
> ZFS for redundancy or striping or such: just for bectl use.)
> Mark
> On Jan 10, 2025, at 01:03, Ronald Klop <ronald-lists@klop.ws> wrote:
> Van: Paul Floyd <pjfloyd@wanadoo.fr>
> Datum: donderdag, 9 januari 2025 20:31
> Aan: freebsd-arm@freebsd.org
> Onderwerp: Re: Raspbery Pi support (release notes/wiki page) update?
> On 09-01-25 11:42, Ronald Klop wrote:
> > Hi Mark,
> >
> > I just noticed an RPI5 with 16GB RAM became available [1]. Which > triggers my interest in an upgrade of my current RPI4/8GB used to build > aarch64 ports.
> >
> > I see that you have quite some experience in setting up the RPI5 with > knowledge expressed in several emails.
> > Would you mind to setup a https://wiki.freebsd.org/arm/RPI5 <https:// > wiki.freebsd.org/arm/RPI5> page and collect your knowledge/experience there?
> I just made a start:
> https://wiki.freebsd.org/arm/Raspberry%20Pi%205
> A+
> Paul
> Thank you very much!
> Just ordered a RPI5.
> Regards,
> Ronald.
> ===
> Mark Millard
> marklmi at yahoo.com