Re: Beaglebone Black/Green/Blue support (volunteering)

From: Sulev-Madis Silber <>
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2024 10:07:53 UTC
hmm... ok i see. i don't still see myself writing much kernel code still (and even less, doing it alone) but i could test stuff. i have done it before for bbb

here's the half a meg diff...

i suggested getting it into current as fast as possible. but who actually knows how to do this?

also i realize it's hard to track current hotness and cheap crap. unsure what way to go here. i hope there's more nice open options here

i had plan to try to port it over but hell. i mean. i hope there are more people like me

going just only rpi way seems bad too

besides it seems that the allwinner presence is quite good already too

i even thought of giving some (home)lab access away for free if problem is in getting hw physically present at ones workbench or otherwise procrastination reasons